Whitburn CDT

The website of Whitburn CDT

About Whitburn Community Development Trust

The Whitburn Community Development Trust was formed following a community consultation in late 2008 to find out if there was sufficient interest to start a community development trust in Whitburn and District. In Spring 2009, following two well attended community meetings, a steering group was tasked with preparing a memorandum and articles of association and an action plan in order to register the organisation as a limited company and a charity. Having achieved that, the steering group invited the community to an inaugural meeting in April 2010 and Whitburn and District Community Development Trust was launched.  We have five aims:

  • To create effective means for Whitburn and District residents, groups, agencies and businesses to communicate and work effectively together
  • To increase support and facilities for children and young people, with a particular focus on those who are not involved in youth facilities, in work or education or are at the risk of involvement in crime and addictions
  • To encourage the town’s community spirit and build pride in an attractive environment and thriving town
  • To increase opportunities for employment, training, money advice and access to local facilities for low income households
  • To build a strong, representative Community Development Trust that residents from all areas and age groups feel they have a stake in and confidence in.

In 2011, Whitburn Community Development Trust  was offered the opportunity to assume the governance and administration responsibilities of Whitburn Older Peoples’ Partnership (WOPP) which, following a due diligence process and subject to certain conditions, the Board agreed to accept. In addition to the opportunity to become actively involved with WOPP, this also gave us an excellent accessible base in Whitburn Main Street to operate from.

The Board

The elected Board of Directors of Whitburn and District Community Development Trust are:

  • John Devlin (Chair)
  • Ben Murphy (Treasurer)
  • Lesley Ann Muirhead (Company Secretary)

The Board of Directors receive no payment for their work as directors.

The Directors wish to record grateful appreciation to those bodies that have provided vital funding to support our activities so far, including West Lothian Council, Voluntary Action Fund, West Lothian Development Trust (Black Law Windfarm), Whitburn Community Centre Education Association and YouthLink Scotland (Scottish Government CashBack for Communities Fund). Grateful thanks also to our local Councillors’ and to West Lothian Council Community Regeneration and Community Education officers for all their support given so generously.


One of the best ways to sup­port Whitburn Community Development Trust is to become a mem­ber. Membership is open to any per­son aged 16 years or over who either lives, works or studies within the Whitburn and District area and supports the aims and activities of the organisation. Mem­bers are eli­gible to vote at General Meetings of the Com­pany and to stand for elec­tion as a member of the Board of Directors. Download a membership application form here:

WCDT Membership Application Form

Membership costs £1 payable on 1 April each year.

Members meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month from 7-9pm at 61 West Main Street Whitburn, EH47 0QD. These meetings are an opportunity for members to share information and talk about Whitburn issues with other members, community group representatives, local traders, West Lothian Council staff, Heartland representatives, Police Officers and Councillors. Everyone is very welcome.


June Allan is our Administrative Project Assistant based at our shop premises at 61 West Main Street, Whitburn.  June administers and coordinates our services and events and assists the directors of Whitburn Community Development Trust and members of Whitburn Older People’s Partnership, She also helps the general public with admin/IT related questions.

David Macdonald is our Community development worker, Just like June he also works at our shop, A few of his responsibilities in the Whitburn CDT are developing new community projects, Working in partnership with local organisations and developing the capacity of the organisation, He also is one of the Administrators that run the Whitburn Community Development Trust Facebook page.


Whitburn Community Development Trust works in partnership with many supportive voluntary, public and private sector partners including:

  • Whitburn Youth Services Partnership, Blackburn, Seafield and District Credit Union, CAB, EARS Advocacy, West Lothian Leisure, Whitburn Police, West Lothian Youth Action Project, Answer Housing Support Service, MOOD, Whitburn Traders, Whitburn Town Centre Management Group, Alzheimer Scotland, Carers of West Lothian and NHS Lothian.
  • West Lothian Council: Scott McKillop, Community Regeneration Officer, Derek Bonnar, Community Education Worker, Louise Ellis, Community Education Worker, Becky Plunkett, Community Greenspace Officer, Liz White, Housing Manager, George Scott, Public Health Nurse and The Advice Shop.